Reprise: ‘Blogger Call to Action’

This is the "beautiful app-like experience" touted by WordPress for iPad viewers--no theme, no side bar, no way to "Like" a post or "Follow" a blog... (screen-photo of post, btw)

For those of you who already saw this a few months back, I apologize for the repetition–but as I have many new readers (and many new blogs I read on my iPad) since the original post, I wanted to share this information again…  Since I first posted this, I have met exactly TWO bloggers who are pleased with the iPad “OnSwipe” view of WordPress blogs, compared to hundreds who have been horrified to realize how iPad users are being presented with their blogging efforts.

I’ve been making noise with the WordPress support team about this issue; they maintain that it’s the blogger’s individual choice to decide how their blog will be presented, and the settings are here to stay.  Never mind that they pre-set the settings to use the awful OnSwipe version, and bloggers who aren’t viewing from an iPad themselves have no idea what’s happening to their blogs when iPad users try to view them.  Interesting side-note: the WordPress blog itself has disabled these settings!  What does that say about them?

Enough commentary–if you haven’t already read it, PLEASE take a minute to find out, and PLEASE (I’m begging you as an iPad reader-of-blogs) take the few minutes to follow the directions I included to disable the ickiness of the OnSwipe settings.  Here it is:

Blogger Call to Action: Please Help Me Happy-Dance.

28 thoughts on “Reprise: ‘Blogger Call to Action’

  1. I did the happy dance all over that OnStink… er OnSwipe version awhile back.

    I’m going to be changing my blog layout in the near future and will be anxious to see how it looks on iPad.


    1. Amen to that wish! The first time I was confronted with the WordPress snow, I actually thought I was coming down with a migraine–moving white dots across the screen look a whole lot like my migraine precursor… even after I realized what they were, I spent the rest of the season being grumpy about them. :)


  2. Hi Kana,
    A very good idea to reblog this, I remember when you first wrote about it, I changed my settings straight away then. I don’t have an IPad so I have to rely on someone telling me if anything is not right in that department. I really appreciated you letting everyone know how to change the settings, it certainly helped me out heaps.


  3. I changed my setting the first time you mentioned this. Thank you and thanks for reminding, it’s always useful. I do not have an i.pad but will look for a friend with one just to check…grazie, buon anno


  4. Thank you so much for this reprise… I wasn’t around the first time around, so this was incredibly helpful. I shared it on facebook for other bloggers to see as well! Thanks again!


  5. Hi Kana,

    Love my iPad (original and best!). Agree that onswipe is a bit naff. Have fiddled with my settings to cancel it. Loving your blog. Always something in my inbox to make me pause and think. Your energy is inspirational. Keep it up, dragon lady.




  6. Oh, Kana, I am so grateful to you for reposting this about those awful wordpress settings for iPads. This has solve the mystery of why one of my best friends often cannot look at my entire posts, or read followups, on her iPad! Thank you, thank you!


  7. I don’t have an I-phone or i-pad; still with my trusty blackberry and laptop. But I do think I lost a reader or two because they sent messages when wordpress made the last update that their phone didn’t like my link anymore. What can you do? For those who have the i stuff, I’m glad you’re figuring it out. You’re a smart cookie!


    1. Yes, there were a few days in there where the links to blogs weren’t working for people who subscribe by email and tried to view by phone–it got fixed within a couple days (I’m pretty sure it wasn’t anything I did, though I did spend an hour or so fiddling around with my settings to see if I could do anything) so I think it was a WordPress gaffe… Hopefully our readers stayed with us! :)


  8. Haven’t checked out WP on an iPad, but I’ll take your word for it. I geek out way too much on the aesthetics to have it “swiped away” for a whole group of folks on iPads.
    Thanks for keeping me in check!


  9. I followed your directions but none of mine were selected. I’m not sure it worked. Feel free to drop me a line and tell me if I screwed something up. ;)


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