A Learning-Journey Toward Valuing My Gender… And Those Who Share It!

Today I’m guest-posting with Emmie Mears, so I invite you to take a field-trip to her blog (link above) to read… Cheers! :)


Today’s post is by Friday Fellow and blogger Kana Tyler. She was one of my first friends on WordPress, and she has been an inspiration to me since she first discovered my blog. Kana is a survivor and a fabulous writer, and I urge you to all check out her blog. I know you will love her words as much as I do.

A Learning-Journey Toward Valuing my Gender…  And Those who Share it!

I labored for a lot of years under the weight of an odd prejudice. I was determined not to be considered a girl. And I don’t mean that in the girl-vs-woman sense of politically-correct nomenclature; rather, I made it a point in every possible situation to take my place as “one of the guys.”

I think it started in junior high, when I realized that the easiest way to talk with boys…

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12 thoughts on “A Learning-Journey Toward Valuing My Gender… And Those Who Share It!

  1. We started an AA women’s meeting at noon on Thursdays. We get so many first timers – because it’s during the day, because it’s women only – I can now recognize then sitting in their cars in the parking lot. There are so many, particularly young women who have ‘issues’ with women – far too many of them have used their sexuality as their currency with men and haven’t had the opportunity to tap into the magnificent resource that a strong group of (sober) women can give.

    As I buried my mom this week I was again astounded at my AA women friends. Of course they listen, they share, they are discreet and non judgemental. But most of all? They show up.


  2. Wonderful and unselfish and very “mentoring” of you, Kana, to share Emmie’s story of gender ID and addiction and other life losses and misconceptions and final victory with us. So pleased to know we are part of this very healing Blogland out here. We are MOST humbly honored, as Art at zendictive would say. LOve you , Kana, AND Emmie!


  3. Excellent voice from your feminine side.

    I always admire strong willed women who give in to the process and embrace the not so unique issues that comes from the gender factor of the dis-ease.

    Anytime I add a label to my disease I am setting my self apart from. Until I became just an ordinary, garden variety, booze guzzling alcoholic, I still clung to the thin thread that maybe in some narrow way I was different.


  4. Wonderful guest blog … loved every bit of it. I wonder how that horrible bullying ‘girls locker-room’ mentality can be defused?

    Great story how Keoni calmly smacked that idiot sales rep down. If I ever come back in another life as hetro, I want a bloke like Keoni!


  5. Dear Kana, I so much enjoyed your post I read all the way through and was thoroughly enraptured. You had my attention all the way through, and so many of your expressions and thoughts are so universal. I especially liked the part about the salesman expecting that your husband was the boss and can you and your description of women’s groups and how you in high school hung around with the guys because they were easier to relate to; no drama, no acting out; they were just them! And your description that you would do anything your sponsor asked was hysterical.


  6. Per usual, loved, loved, loved your post. I, too, have often wondered why women keep silent when they should be sharing and receiving support from each other.


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