…and Morning

Still reading Lamott, and here’s her next gift to me:

And this is God’s own truth: the more often I cried in my room in Ixtapa and felt just generally wretched, the more often I started to have occasional moments of utter joy, of feeling aware of each moment shining for its own momentous sake.

God gives us mornings, and lets us wake from our nightmares, and choose joy.

13 thoughts on “…and Morning

  1. Don’t I know it Roomie! I so appreciate every spectacular color, the expressions on faces no matter what they are, and rust on old statues that I have missed for so long.


  2. Hmmm….I think I’ll have to read Traveling Mercies again. I read it years ago, and remember that I found it full of little bits of wisdom. Thanks for the joyful thought today!


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