22 thoughts on “This one’s for all the Mommies!

  1. It is too funny that you should post this today because I saw an image like this last night when I was putting my post together for today. I thought it was pretty clever when I saw it :) Although I do not seem to be in possession of that super power (as I am reproductively-challenged) — I do appreciate those of you who can and do “mother.” My sister has 7 amazing kiddos and I do not know how she does it! I don’t know if you saw my post for today but it is a funny coincidence that you posted this today. Anyway, it made me smile. Have a great day!


    1. Synchronicity strikes again! ;) Just read and LOVED (though of course there’s only a “like” button) your post. Yes, how timely. And perhaps, on second thought, even my own post is a little off-base… I HAVE made people, but it’s not happening again, despite the fact that we’ve left that door wide open… Apparently “38” has hit me as well. Or da Big Guy upstairs has other plans for us. Guess we’ll see. Either way, we’re prepared to enjoy—and so, it seems, are you! :)


  2. More synchronicity! Just as I saw your post in my reader my son called with results of today’s ultrasound…a third daughter!
    I love reading your blog. You work your superpower well!


  3. Awesome one for the moms. And as for the men?

    Well, I stick around to help prepare these little guys to handle the tough side of life with reason and humor. With each passing decade, this super power becomes more of a rarity among my species. Just sayin’. ;-)


  4. I love being a mom. Just wish i could have had a huge family, but i guess i do in being mom to my kids friends too, and occasionally to my friends and family. My cousin’s delight in teasing me by saying “Yes mother” when i cluck after them like a mother hen LOL. When I find myself mothering someone, i usually stop and apologize. Thankfully they know me well enough to know I mean well ; D While we pretty much never get recognized for all we do (being “Just a Mom”), the hugs and love of our kids and family make it all worthwhile.


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