Do-It-Yourself Bald Barbie

No, this post isn’t about my repressed desire to shave Barbie’s luxurious locks or knock her down a boob-size…  Although both those thoughts have some merit….  I’ll say up front, I’m not a Barbie fan.  (Except, perhaps, for the tattooed Tokidoki…)  Nevertheless, Barbie has managed once again to catch my attention.

The initial story hit about a week ago: a pair of friends, both dealing with cancer-caused baldness in their families, petitioned Mattel toy company to consider making a Bald Barbie, who would provide a positive way to encourage youngsters with Leukemia or other illnesses, making them feel more “normal” and accepted, and providing them with an upbeat model who can rock the lockless look.

The news piece immediately brought to mind a lovely young woman in our A.A. Home Group, who had to shave her head a couple years back in preparation for an experimental brain surgery at the Mayo clinic. Half a dozen ladies from our Home Group rallied in support and threw a “head-shaving party” so Annie wouldn’t feel isolated as she faced some Seriously Scary Stuff.  I wish I could share pictures (sorry, Anonymity takes priority on this one)–not only because these gals rocked the look, but because it was such a touching show of support.  There were definitely tears amidst the laughter that day.

Hold the phone!–did you say Barbie TWEETS?!

So why not a bald Barbie?  Surely it wouldn’t cost Mattel any more than their recently unveiled Architect Barbie (whose expertise is touted on as “Designing Shops for the ultimate outdoor mall,” naturally) or their Computer Engineer Barbie (evidently Math Class isn’t tough anymore)–and I couldn’t imagine any other objection to the idea.  After all, the Bald Barbie campaign hit the news circuits in the same week that speculation (based in part on Barbie’s own Tweets) was running rampant about the introduction of Kardashian Barbies.  You can’t tell me that a company willing to consider making the Kardashians even more plastic than they already are would reject the wholesome proposal of a cancer-support doll.

Mattel did it ONCE. “Princess Genesis:” a one-off bald beauty

Well, maybe I couldn’t imagine an objection, but Mattel had one, albeit a flimsy one.  “Mattel does not take unsolicited ideas from outside sources”–that was their response to this pair of mothers, one of whom is boldly and baldly battling cancer herself, and one whose bald daughter has kept her sense of humor alive by encouraging her friends to draw pictures on the blank canvas of her head.

It strikes me as a poor business model to make it policy to reject promising ideas because they hadn’t been requested…  And this is, after all, a company that did produce a one-off bald beauty for one little girl with cancer.  (But that’s different.  She knew someone who knew Mattel’s CEO, which evidently made that one a good idea.)  Well, the determined pair of moms has taken their campaign to FaceBook, where they’ve gotten well over 138 thousand “likes” to date–and Mattel is starting to backpedal, if not yet to agree.

But my own thought is…  If this is an issue close to your heart, why wait for Mattel to stop being stupid?  There’s at least one other way to get your hands on a bald doll–and I’m betting most of us already have the required experience. (Ladies: don’t tell me you never got in trouble for performing a haircut on one of your dolls…  Or–ahem–on one of your trusting playmates…)  If there’s a youngster in your life whose morale would be boosted by a beautifully bald doll, why not throw a “head-shaving party” for some dolls of your own? Craft some beautiful scarves, hats, or fun accessories, maybe even some matched doll-and-daughter sets.  Celebrate the fact that a woman’s beauty isn’t all in those dead keratin cells hanging off her scalp.

And if you feel a need to make a statement, you could always send the trimmed tresses to “Locks of Love,” addressed c/o the Mattel Toy Company.  If you really want to make a statement, let them realize your child’s new bald favorite isn’t a Mattel doll.  I’m just sayin’.

31 thoughts on “Do-It-Yourself Bald Barbie

  1. Thanks for sharing this. What a wonderful group of friends to shave their heads in support of their friends medical issues. I think that was beautiful. Lots of beautiful things do happen in recovery! Take care. Sincerely, Connie PS I think Mattel may just reconsider and make the doll. We will have to wait and see. If they make a bald Barbie, they need a Bald Ken, too. If they don’t do it, perhaps another company will in support of cancer patients. Would be nice if the company donated proceeds from the sales of the dolls to cancer research, too!


  2. “Mattel does not take unsolicited ideas from outside sources” – geez that’s cold! Will definitely be supporting this cause for those beautiful women.


  3. Yes!! And this time I won’t be tempted to swat the bottom of the girl with the scissors, who shall go unnamed in this comment.
    Yer ma.


    1. I considered including a photo of “Barbie’s arrest mug shot” to demonstrate the results of my FIRST attempt at playing Barber Shop… Good to know my bottom is safe today. ;) LOVE you, Ma!


  4. Before I even got to the end of your post, I thought, “To HELL with Mattel!” Why not get another company to do it? I doubt they’d care that people are (still buying their products and) cutting the hair off the dolls. It’s disgusting to me that they refuse to make bald barbies, and their response is horrible. They actually should not be given the opportunity. People should not have to LOBBY for that. Take it to another company. I’m sure there is one out there that would gladly do it.
    *chants loudly* TO HELL WITH MATTEL!


  5. Today I will give the Facebook page a “like” to support the group. Thanks Kana for bringing this subject up. God bless you!


  6. Locks of Love is great, isn’t it! Our family does that.

    I’m waiting for Psychotic Barbie, with the scars on her arms and the shaved eyebrows. I had a co-worker who had a breakdown and shaved off her eyebrows in the process. Never did figure out what that was about.


  7. Kana, I cannot properly express how much I appreciate your taking this position about empathizing with and identifying with children/girls undergoing chemotherapy. Yes, Mattel SHOULD make a bald Barbie and donate the proceeds to the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital or some other equally useful cause.


  8. Funny. I’d think not needing the hair would save them a buck, and they’d charge an extra five for the “cause” doll, only giving one dollar to charity…
    Ah well…


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