About Kana

wearing stories on the skin… (2011.)

When faced with a fill-in-the-blank statement of “I am a _____”… What’s YOUR answer?

I am… a writer, an explorer, a coffee-drinker, a recovering addict, a barefoot linguist, a book-dragon (“bookworm” doesn’t cover it), a raconteur, a sailboat skipper, a research diver, a tattooed scholar, a pirate, a poet, a spiritual adventurer, a photographer, a cartographer, a joyful wife, a mom, an island-girl at heart… A list-maker! :)

And pleased to meet you! :) Kana



225 thoughts on “About Kana

  1. Hi Kana,

    Its a pleasure to know you and to know how we are all shaped up in our lives encapsulated with circles of social existence.

    Thanks for joining my little grabs of small talk and sometimes big emotions in this non stop breathtaking race of life.



  2. Hi Kana

    I enjoyed reading your packing comments!

    I am curious, how did you find a job writing for the UK hire car place (being Australian I still struggle to say car rental!)?



    1. Good question–how does an Idaho girl end up doing THAT job? :) Freelancer.com is where I’ve been landing freelance gigs; the website takes a cut of the commission, but you can “cheat” a bit by hooking up with a job and then moving to an “offsite” payment plan…

      “Hire car” has been a tough phrase for me to write; here in the States you only talk of hiring people, not objects, so if I said (speaking in “American”) that I were hiring a car, I’d mean I’m hiring a driver and a car… Needless to say, this job has been educational for me. ;)


  3. I am a creator, a painter, a visionary, a hopeful romantic, an athlete, a writer, a dreamer, a believer, a wisher, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter, a student, a counselor, a reader, a poet, and an awful karaoke shower singer.

    I’ve loved reading your blog :)


  4. I love reading well-told stories written by amazing storytellers. I am greatly enjoying reading you posts! I’m so glad you found me so I could in turn find you and your wonderful writing.

    I am a… musician, a dancer, singer and an improviser. I’m the thunder heralding the storm and the light breeze whispering through the field. I’m a listener, a watcher, a dreamer and a Texan. I think there’s some clause on my birth certificate that requires me to say that last bit.

    Looking forward to more of your writing!



    1. I’m sure that’s a Texas law! ;) Glad we found each other–as a fellow cat-cuddler and Al-Anon (as well as Alcoholic, in my case) your post jumped off the screen at me!


  5. What a lovely blog, Kana. Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog and, in the process, helping me to find yours. Your story about Suzie (or is it Suzy) is so lovely and heartwarming. I love your writing style and your sense of humour. Can’t wait to read more of your posts.



  6. Thanks for following my blog. I was working on cropping a picture to put on my latest post when you stumbled upon it. It just happened to be of a lake in Idaho that looked like a path to somewhere – maybe renewal… I was there fishing and camping in 2005 and my biggest batch of renewal ever started early the next year. A post a day for 2011, awesome!


  7. Hi Kana

    Thanks for subscribing to my blog and I’m glad you enjoyed my post, I’m looking forward to having a good nose through your stuff over the weekend.

    for the record I’m the loving husband to Mabofthefaeries, father of a wonderful clever young woman, a curious traveler, long haired music loving sci-fi and horror geek and about to become a full time freelance writer, researcher, editor and PR consultant.



  8. I did a little dance around my bedroom when I saw that you subscribed to me.. good thing my boyfriend already thinks I’m nuts.

    Your the first person I don’t know in real life that’s done so, so thank you.

    I skimmed your site and it looks awesome. I can’t wait to read more :)


    1. Confession time… I started blogging with the self-absorbed thought of having MY writing out there–but I’ve become even more addicted to reading (and meeting) other people! Glad I found your blog. And here’s to the partners who think we’re crazy and LOVE us that way. ;)


      1. I recognized my own narcissism a LONG time ago, but I completely agree. Mostly I started blogging because it’s easier than e-mailing or calling every member of my overbearing, intrusive, (awesome) family, but now I’m psyched to find a whole bunch of people who love what I love.

        And here, here.. Christopher is far too patient with me :)


      2. funny, that’s exactly how I’ve found it.
        Though I’m still hoping my writing gets me the SeaDoo jet ski sponsorship for my trip from NY to London that I’m hoping for…


  9. Hi Kana,
    Thanks for following me. I felt like we are kindred spirits when I read your Gravitar profile. I love the “book dragon” and “Island girl” bits. Can’t wait to read more.


  10. Aloha Kana ~ Wow ~ what an interesting woman ~ I am glad you stopped by my blog and I am thoroughly enjoying your blog ~ great look and solid content ~ junemoon PS I’d love to read more about your skin art ~


    1. Mahalo for the idea! Look for an “Ink Installment” this week. :)
      (Nothing like a “writing prompt” to get us going, right?)


  11. Hello Kana! I love your profile, your tattoos and your blog. Thank you for subscribing to mine and I look forward to reading more of your interesting stories. You are proof to me that you don’t need money to be rich. Much respect!


  12. Hi Kana,
    Thanks for subscribing to my blog! I am glad you enjoyed it. For the record, I am a lover of coffee, as well. I especially love hazelnut and enjoy all coffee! It is nice to meet another writer!


  13. Hey Kana,

    Great Blog! :))

    Thanks for subscribing to my blog! It’s still the beginning for me, but as a fellow writer, I’m looking forward to making it more…

    Thanks! :)


  14. Hello!
    Thanks very much for subscribing to my Blog! Its still a working progress, but I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read some of the stuff I put up!
    I will subscribe in return!
    Best wishes,
    Adam :)


    1. I appreciate your interest in my blog; thanks for subscribing. Wish I had more time to contribute my thoughts to those willing to read them :) Writing is a joy in my life. Happy Autumn!


  15. I am so glad you found my blog. I am just “getting out there” in the blog world and did not realise how much I would love getting to know others through their blogs.

    I see from your sidebar that you do NaNoWriMo. I have for a few years now. Not sure it I will this year. I am trying to work on a novel and may not have it done in time. We will see.

    I am excited to read more of your writing…


  16. kana – thanks for checking out my blog. i’m so happy i found yours…kindred reading for sure. you are living the dream i’m starting for myself right (write) now. it’s so encouraging to see you freelancing. it is real…it’s really out there isn’t it? my 9-5er is less motivating everyday, if “motivating” ever got very far past a paycheck. thanks for living your gift!


  17. I love it! I just read your About Me and I love that you listed all of the interesting and random facets that make you… YOU! You stopped by Woman in Thrisis and that’s how I found you… And I’m so glad I did! I look forward to keeping up with your adventures. :)


  18. Thanks for subscribing and “liking” my recent post. It has seriously made my day! Also, I just got really excited seeing you describe yourself as a “barefoot linguist”. We seem to have a lot in common, based on your bio (before I edited mine last night, I even ended mine the same way!)…looking forward to some good reads and great conversation.

    Also, re: your photo: A Granny? Really? My mind is blown.

    It’s a pleasure “meeting” you!


  19. Hey Kana –

    Thanks for stopping by and subscribing to my blog. I’ve only read a couple posts here in yours but I’ll catch up. From what I’ve read – it looks like I’ll enjoy reading your new posts !
    Keep at it :)



  20. Hi Kana: I noticed that you had subscribed to my blog and I wanted to thank you and tell you how much I appreciated it. I also read through all your comments and you’ve been busy! Your blog is delightful. I’m a writer too and I appreciate all writers who have the courage to step out and share who they are as well as their hearts in stories. I’ll be back.


  21. Hi Kana! I am…Mother, Granny, caretaker, domestic goddess, goofy, and clutzy. Thanks so much for subscribing to my blog. I am a wanna be writer, and like others before me, happy that someone other than a family member has subscribed! I read through your blog and we have alot in common. Here’s to a new friend!


  22. Hi Kana,
    I’m glad you enjoyed my post and blog ; ) I loved reading your Burning the Script. I guess i’m a list maker to without realizing it as all my self descriptions are typically lists ROFL ; D I’m curious how you found my blog as i typically only share it with friends on facebook?


  23. I am flattered that you took the time to add me to your collection!!! You have quite the array of fans and I can now be considered part of the club:
    I love your wit and energy. I do not; however, look forward to my girls growing up to be troublesome girlfriends (its inevitable … we all do it to ONE poor guy)! And here I was thinking that BOYS were trouble. My husbands idea of chaining them in the basement gets better every day :-)



    1. When my son was born, an experienced dad shared this little “gem” about parenting teens: “When you have a son, you only have to worry about one penis. With a daughter, you have to worry about ALL the penises!” Oh boy. I had already been praying for all-boys–but since God enjoys a giggle, we’ve got girls in the mix. Yikes. ;)


  24. The bills are mounting and I had just come to the realization that we won’t be going on vacation for a while…and then I checked out your blog. Mistake. Now I’m sad. I’ve never considered visiting Idaho, but after today I’ve changed my mind.


  25. I’m not usually one to comment so much on someone else’s website but your stuff just really resonates with me and sometimes I don’t know when to keep my pie-hole shut! lol I’m 41, recently quit my job, going through a period of growth and re-discovery, tattoos, writing, sound familiar? My past is one of abuse, rather than addiction, but I love finding others who are thriving and being themselves…. it helps!! So keep writing, PLEASE!! You never know whose life you’re going to touch! ~ Peace to you :)


  26. Dearest
    Thank you for taking the time with my blog. We are each given only a fraction of what we would care to have in a life and I am always greatful for those that intersect with mine.

    I had written,starting on October 18th,2010,a bit about the care for my lovely Ma and I share with you,that post. I think there were possibly 10 in all but I send this one to you…

    Shine Today

    Keep doing all you do!! You are fascinating and fun!

    I wish you peace!


  27. I wanted to stop by and say thanks for following me! I’m really enjoying what I’ve been reading on your site so far. The photo I currently have on my header was taken in Idaho, on the way to Hurricane Pass in the Tetons!


  28. Hello! Cheers for the following! This seems odd, in a Myspace sort of way. I feel like I ought to leave you a glittery graphic saying “thanks for the add” ;) Great blog – good to hear of other explorers out there.


  29. Hi Kana! You’re beautiful! I want to thank you for your comment and for following my blog. I’ve enjoyed reading (the little I did) about you. Are you in Idaho now?



  30. Thanks for subscribing, looking at the comments above it looks like you’ll lots of interesting reading coming up.
    As for myself the best way to describe myself at this time is “I am”, and I’m learning about who.
    Take care,


  31. Hi Kana! Thanks for subscribing! I’m a newbie to blogosphere so it’s really something for me for someone who wants to follow my blog. I’m not really a good writer but I just love to write so I hope you won’t get bored on my posts. I would appreciate if you could also give honest comments on how I write and what’s lacking in my blog to make it more popular. Thanks anyway and millions thanks in advance!

    All the best,


  32. Hi Kana-Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and liking my post “Embrace the Leader Within.” It meant a lot to me to get my first “like”. I have to say that. I’m going to visit your blog now. You can stop by anytime you want and keep in touch. Take care. rosellezubey


  33. Hello, Kana! In no particular order, I am a creature (of comfort, of this world, of habit), a woman, a mother, a writer, and a Berkeleyan. I am also grateful for connections to other writers, so thanks for that!


  34. Namaste Kana,
    I am a soul, long lost in a world that I cannot relate to but am somehow addicted to. I’m a writer and a musician, a son, a brother, a father, a mate, among… well, don’t get me started. Mostly my goal is to be a sincere seeker–a true lover.

    Thanks for subcribing to my blog. I like yours too. jesse


  35. I’m a complete mess with all the life stories to prove it.
    thanks for liking my musings. I enjoy yours too!
    best, Diego


  36. Hi Kana!

    Thank you so much for the follow, I’m so glad that it led me to your blog! I know I’m going to enjoy going through it, I can’t wait to grab a coffee or cup of tea and just read for hours. You’re definitely an inspiration! I’m really interested in the research diver part of your list, that sounds amazing!

    As for me: I am a dreamer.
    The mind really is amazing, we’re all using the same letters but coming up with so many ways to express things.. Good luck with your writing!



  37. How nice to have you following my blog, Kana. I am a grateful soul who lives as a Christian, a mother, a sister, a teacher, a gardener, a cat lover (member of Bandit’s staff), and a writer. Thanks for reaching out to all the writers, especially those of us who are new or returning to the writing life. It’s encouraging!


  38. Hi Kana – Great to meet you! I’ve just read a few of your posts & they’re fantastic – I agree wholeheartedly with many of your thoughts. I’m from Sydney Australia, I’m a mum, a wife, a friend – I love to write, dream, pray, drink coffee, dance, laugh, read and have afternoon naps. I’ve survived cancer & have just ploughed through a couple of sad years when I lost my parents, but all is well – the big guy has my back covered too. I’ll look forward to reading more of your writing – bring it on!


  39. Hi Kana! Your blog is so inspiring. I keep poking around and getting more absorbed. Thanks for stopping by my little neck of the woods. I’m just a beginner here in the world of blogland, and looking at what you’ve accomplished here is definitely something to aspire to. I love your book-dragon comment, especially. I too devour books and feel bookworm is a bit too tame of a concept. Keep writing!


  40. Thank you for following FatGirlUSA’s blog.  I hope you find my content interesting and my topics off the normal beat and path.  In return… I’m now following your blog and look forward to reading your posts.  Bridgette


  41. Hey Kana,
    I am just starting to read your blog.
    I guess you are a celebrity now, by the comments.

    hope to see ya around


  42. Hey, Kana….I’ve been following you for a while, but haven’t gotten any notices of posts. To answer your query would take a long, long time to list all the things I’ve done, I’ll just suffice it to say I am a retired dilettante, and l like it! Anywho, I noted you stopped by on 11/2 and liked the post, so thanks for checking it out. I post just about every day, so I hope you continue to enjoy them…you take care, & thanks again for the “like”…:-)


  43. You are one busy woman! yes, I too love to read other blogs as I learn along the way!I am convinced blogging is another one of those creative ideas God gave us in this technology age we live in to connect those in the spirit we would not otherwise be able to do!


  44. Thanks for being one of my 5 followers! And I think one of the only 2 that aren’t my friends :)

    I love your tattoos!

    I’m not here to advertise, but if you are looking for another great travel blog, you should definitely check out my friend’s blog. She is currently traveling Europe all on her lonesome and is an amazing writer and photographer. http://youvegotnae.com

    I look forward to reading your posts!


    1. I’m ALWAYS up for a reading-suggestion! :) I’m already following your friend, as it happens–is this a Small (Big) World or what?


  45. I notice you’re following my blog! No idea how you found it but thanks so much. Yours is pretty awesome! Still getting to grips with all this and certainly getting to grips with writing when I’m not in the mood too!!! Good luck… look forward to more of your interesting stories!!!


  46. Hi Kana, very nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I got lost in yours (in the best way) for awhile as well. Isn’t it amazing what you learn as a freelance writer? I have more knowledge about the most random things than I ever thought possible.


  47. Dear Kana,

    I’m pleased to meet you. You have introduced yourself so well that i feel i must do likewise.

    I am the mysterious middle child of Ferdinand and Thelma Robinson. I am a creature of the night, a lover of good wine, walking woman, thinker, writer, heretic, founder of The Creativity Factory and first member of Theological Theater. My one claim to fame is that I am the first black transgender Episcopal priest in the history of the world.

    in love and service,


  48. Hi Kana! Just noticed you signed on to my blog. I came over to check out your blog and I’m intrigued by what I see. Looks like I’m going to have to keep my eye on you! You’ve got a new follower… :)


  49. Hi Kana :)
    What a great introduction?
    I too find I am a jill of many labels in how I define myself and every year, another label seems to find me. I am a writer, an explorer, an adventurer and a seeker who always takes the road less travelled – the scenic, circuitous route is always more interesting ;) …these are the labels that define the biggest parts of my personality.
    Lovely connecting with you through the world of WordPress.


  50. Hi Kana
    Thanks for being a follower of my journey :-)
    Love your tats!!!! I have some too and am thinking of expanding one of them….hmmmmm…gets addictive doesn’t it?
    Take it easy babe
    Jodie x


  51. Hi Kana,
    Thanks for singing onto my blog. Just popped oevr to see your very intriguing, eclectic blog and persona. You are way tooo cool. I will have to peruse your posts and get to know you more. You are most exciting, so far, and extremely diverse.


  52. Hi Kana – just to let you know – in my latest post I have bestowed to you the famed Liebster Blog Award for being such a great blogger!


  53. “Barefoot linguist.” That covers so much more than the words presented – I’ll shove myself under that name too if you don’t mind. God-lover, music-writer, word-crafter, people-hugger, smartie-muncher… and really too much to list in one small paragraph.

    You’re inspiring. Thank you.


  54. Now you are it! I am passing along the Tell Me About Yourself Award to you. I have created a permanent page for this award. Please reference the link for the rules.

    Tell Me About Yourself Award

    You can pick up your badge at:

    This is a award given to blogs deserving of special attention. I hope you will have time to participate, but as always it is entirely your option.

    Miss D


  55. Hi Kana, thanks for subscribing to my blog. Love the tats. Do you have any posts telling what they mean? My new daughter-in-law has them and was kind enough to tell me the stories of how/why she got them.



    1. I’ve been talking about them one at a time, as they relate to various posts–the “tattoo” tag will lead you to posts where I talked about them… Though they haven’t all been explained yet, so stay tuned. ;)


  56. Aloha, Kana:

    It has taken me awhile to get there, but I finally got to your blog. I found it had a nice personal touch, like a letter from a friend. Warm fuzzes.

    I’m impressed by your curriculum vitae – do you ever have time to just sit and veg?

    Do you currently live in Hawaii? My wife and I lived on Piikoi street, on Oahu, until we uprooted and moved to the mainland. I get over on business, sometimes, but we both still miss it. (My wife was born and raised there. I was there for over 13 years.)

    Keep up the good work,



  57. Hi Kana! I know it might not be something new to you but because I love your blog and I admire your writing so much, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You derserve it!


  58. You have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! Go check it out on my blog because there are a few things you’ve got to do in order to accept it. :p


      1. Of course not! ;) And I’m equally happy to have found YOUR blog. “See Jane drink wine” had me laughing out loud! :)


  59. Enjoyed the blog. How do you create that archives page? Do you simply add the title each day you write a post? I really like it not only for my readers but for me to remember what I write.


    1. That’s exactly it–I just add a new link whenever I post. :) And funny that you bring that up–I ended up browsing some of my own old posts from that page just last night. ;)


  60. totally awesome to meet you…I love your background layout and a quite a list of awesome awards and cool stuff on the side bar. :) You seem like a great person to have a conversation with to chit chat on great topic being so versatile as yourself. So awesome.


  61. Hello Miss Kana! I’ve been following your blog ever since I’ve came across this site. I am a new writer and I want to self-promote my newest projects that can be found here http://jeninesilos.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/my-first-book-series-the-wonders-in-fable-land/ I just want to share it to all blogs I follow because it is my first time in the field of writing. Or you can see it directly in this site: http://writeforacause.org/

    Your visit and comments are very much appreciated! thanks.


  62. Hi Kana! Since you stopped by my blog I wanted to come over to your “house” and say hi and see what you are all about. Great blog! Also, I have to mention that my youngest daughter is a graphic design major at Boise State. We are off to visit her next week. I love Boise. What a great town and probably the nicest people on earth.


  63. Thanks for following me on Shez Blogs. It’s been being a bit neglected once I committed to the photo a day. It is refreshing to read such an honest and candid about page. Recovery is a difficult mine field to traverse from there to here. Glad you are back here.



  64. Hello Kana,

    That’s an impressive CV you have got up there. And you also have got a nice blog up here. Well done! :-)

    Oh yeah, I’m dropping by to thank you for following my blog. I hope I don’t disappoint you and that your visits in my blog have been and will always be a joyful ride. :-)

    So, thank you again and lovely day to you! :-)

    Subhan Zein


  65. A list-maker? One would not have guessed! :D Thanks for stopping by My Hmmm Collection and deciding to tag along. Am looking forward to what I am sure will be exciting ponderings you care to share. Have a great week!


  66. Hi Kana,
    You had me at “writer”, and while I am just reclaiming my first loves (reading, school, writing), I knew I’d found a kindred spirit when I read “coffee drinker”. “Book-dragon”? Ah, if you didn’t live so far away I’d have you over for coffee. Thank you for the “like” on my blog. What a joy to have found yours. I look forward to reading more, and for the privilege of learning from your way with words. Cheers!


    1. We’ll just have to raise our respective coffee-cups to each other across the distance, and enjoy a “virtual coffee hour” while we enjoy each other’s blogs! VERY happy to meet you! :)


  67. Kana,
    It took me long enough to finally read you… I’m happy to have done so… Kudos on your sobriety. Le Clown is going on two weeks… and 5 cups of coffee just this morning.
    Le Clown


    1. Congratulations to YOU! Those first couple weeks, first 30 days, those are the toughest—and most worthy of praise! (And yes—the most full-of-coffee!) :)


  68. Kana,
    Thank you so much for stopping by and being the first follower! I would be curious to know how it came onto your radar, since I just started it today. I’m really excited about this whole project.

    I’m also looking forward to reading more of your writing.

    Be well,


    1. I saw your comment on another blog (I think LeClown?) and being in Recovery myself, followed the breadcrumb trail to check out your blog. :) And glad I did.
      :) Kana


        1. Ironically, it is now far easier for me to find writing-work than any of the other fields for which I’m (theoretically) qualified… Freelance clients, at least, are not running criminal background checks on this recovering addict! ;)

          I thank you for the observation, though–it’s very cheering!


  69. Hi Kana,

    Thank you for following my blog. Sorry I had not written in a while as I was traveling and due to limited internet connectivity the posts I supposed to publish remains in my journal.

    I will update my blog as soon as I get my stuff fixed.

    Thank you and keep on exploring!


    PS – You have an impressive curriculum vitae :-)


  70. Hi Kana, glad I finally made it to your page. I love your art, and can’t help but be impressed with your credentials! I look forward to getting to know you, and Keoni, Honu and George, and meet the rest of your clan. I’m curious to know how an Island Girl landed herself in Idaho. I’d miss the ocean, but perhaps you travel a lot. I haven’t read through your archives yet. I look forward to starting that.


    1. Welcome, and I’m very pleased to meet you! :)

      I was actually born in Idaho, attended University of Hawai’i (studying marine biology), and married a guy I met there (fully expecting to STAY). In a twist of fate, his job landed us back in my native state, where (having since divorced him) I’m now tethered for a while by a joint-custody agreement.

      In another twist of fate (don’t tell me that God doesn’t have a sense of humor!), I met my Native Hawai’ian husband here in Idaho! (In Rehab—did I mention God’s humor?) We lived in the same small town on the Big Island, almost twenty years ago, but we figure we met at the right time…

      When “George” (the youngest of our combined seven kids) finishes school, we’ll be free again to move, and we’re planning to move to his acre of land on the Big Island and open a bed-and-breakfast.

      That’s how-I-landed-here in a nutshell… ;)


      1. Very interesting, I can’t see a marine biologist in Idaho, obviously you’re working in education or writing (Of course I never expected to live in Malibu, CA, but I did.).

        I understand the joint custody deal. S won’t even entertain the thought of moving far away until GS reaches age 18 (another 9 years).


        1. We’re on almost the same timeline, then. ;)

          You’re right, Idaho is missing a major ingredient for Marine Biology… I’ve taught biology & English here, among other things—now I’m just writing. :)


  71. Hey, Kana, I don’t know if you know, but someone who posts as mrchao is posting really nasty comments to people who are commenting on your post, My daughter the ball-buster. You can’t click on his name to see his info either.


    1. Thank you–I just deleted his comments, and changed the settings on that post NOT to accept new comments. Five months after the fact, it has apparently become a hot topic this week! (sigh.)
      I appreciate the heads-up! :)


        1. And for him to attack my READERS, not just me—that’s really going too far!

          I don’t know if it’s timely or ironic to get that sort of attack on a day when my post is dealing with “anonymous” commentary… ;)


            1. WordPress advises that I change my settings to disallow comments from people who aren’t logged in. I actually did that briefly yesterday (after the nasty anonymous rant I wrote about in the latest post)… but decided after all to leave it open because (on the flip side!) I also get heartfelt anonymous comments on topics like alcoholism, where I don’t want to drive away that traffic… It’s a conundrum, I confess. (But I was glad I changed back, because I had another heart-warming anonymous response right after I’d re-opened to anonymous posters.)

              That leaves it up to me to police… If this keeps up, I WILL change it to comments needing approval before they actually go live. Actually, maybe I’ll do that right now, at least until these hot-heads lay off!


              1. I really felt like they missed the whole point of that post. I mean, it was that your daughter is a miracle, not that she’s good at karate, for crying out loud. Too sensitive, and really, chicken shit, because they snark from afar.


                1. Right on ALL counts!!

                  I just changed the settings so “only previously approved commenters” can post without moderation. We’ll see how that works, and if it’s not a tight enough net, I’ll go to moderating everything. ;)


  72. Hi Kana
    I’ve loved your blog for ages and was gutted when you stopped posting. Now I know a little of why I can only say that your take on life as well as your positivity and enthusiasm continues to draw me back, hoping you have more to say.
    Obviously there is plenty going on right now, you may not even see this message, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the ‘Very Inspiring Blog Award.’ I don’t know if you usually accept awards like this – and there’s certainly no pressure to do so – but I want you to know that when the award rules asked me to name ‘inspiring’ blogs, yours was right up there. :)


    1. Well then we’ve got a mutual fan club going on; I’ve always loved YOUR blog! ;) And talk about inspired timing–I made a promise to myself just this weekend that I’d get back to my blogging-world (writing AND reading–both of which I’ve missed), so your note is a great nudge in that direction! Many thanks, and hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

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